In method: No.
I've just read some discussions on the definitions of Art, (Abstraction / Realism etc, etc) And once again (as many times before) I've just got irritated by it...
Are we not forgetting something?
... behind all the analysis ("anal-ysis") and business of Art, there's the very simple truth that we just want to make stuff. We want to leave our mark, a statement, a point of view. We want to capture a moment, a mood. And in so doing perhaps we even want to achieve immortality.
But why all the stuff about HOW we do it?
But why all the stuff about HOW we do it?
"Art (like life) is much too important to be taken seriously" Anonymous
"I myself never know if I am actually joking or if I'm only being serious" Salvadore Dali
My teaching takes the same stance too, away with all the theory, lets just do it. Details on website: