Friday, 21 March 2014

Today - a simple exercise in how to get there

And its turning into mine too!

Here's a simple intro on how to make it yours as well:

(By the way, don't be put off by the idea of "Meditating", this is a really simple exercise in quietening an unruly, ever-present, babbling mind - helping to get from Mind-full to Mindful)

1) Set aside a time when you know you won't be interrupted, turn off the phone, close the lap-top ('n' gerroff Facebook for a min).

2) Sit however is comfortable for you, it doesn't need to be X-legged, a chair is fine.  But sit with a straight back (straight, rather than rigid), the idea is to remain comfortable but attentive. 

3) Close your eyes and observe your breathing just as it is.  No need to change anything, just observe, becoming aware of your breath coming in and going out.  Keep your focus on each breath.

4) Thoughts will try to get in and take your attention - don't let that worry you.  Observe them and then let them go.  

5) When you've let them go, place your attention again on each breath. 

It doesn't matter how many thoughts come, as long as you let them go.  Its the practicing of this "letting go" that's the focus of this exercise. Be gentle with your thoughts, don't fight them, (they're very good friends of yours - more of this later).  Just observe that they've arrived - and they will, in droves - then ask them to come back later. 

6) Practice this for just a few minutes to start with, then increase it to 5 mins. 

And that's all there is to it. 

To start with, any more than 5 mins is making quite a commitment time-wise in a busy life, so leave it at just 5 for now.  Later on, when you see just how incredible this simple exercise is, you'll want to make, rather than just find the time, and you can increase it then to however long you want.

And then you can add all sorts of variations ... this one's just the beginning.

~ ~ ~

My thanks and credit for this exercise goes to my wonderful teacher: Bryony Duggen and to the helpful book a friend of mine bought for me recently called "The little Book of Mindfulness" Edited by Tiddy Rowan.  Credit also goes to my lovely Buddhist friend Jessica Wilker, who's written a book called "The ABC of Mindfulness"  Its a great little book too, I read a draft of it years ago, before it was published, but before I started to get interested in meditation.  I'm resisting the temptation to re-read it for now though, as its more important, at the moment, for me to be guided on a one-to-one basis by my teacher.  I can recommend it highly though!
If you want to see some of the sculptures which key into these ideas too, go to the Figurative Sculpture and Exhibitions sections on my website

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