Sunday, 23 March 2014

Why wait?

But we can have it now

Now's the crucial word.  If we were to stop living so much in the past and the future, we'd give ourselves the chance to really (really) improve our lives, calm our frantic minds, notice more of what's around us, increase our concentration levels.  We'd also get much more in touch with our creative potential and, well frankly: be a damn site happier. I mean, hello, What's not to like?

"Late" Wire Sculpture by Kate Newlyn 

Most of the time we're incessantly busy, anxious about what we should be doing, worrying about what we haven't done ...  missing the moment completely.

"If you can spent a perfectly useless afternoon in a perfectly useless manner, you have learned how to live" Lin Yutang.

"JOY" Wire Sculpture by Kate Newlyn
Every moment is unique.  The song of a bird will never be the same twice - they may be the same notes, but never in the same order - (thank you Mozart/Saliari and Eric Morcome)


On an entirely irrelevant topic, but one which laughed me into the Now, 
here's a delight for your delectation:  

For more (slightly more sensible) silliness - as well as details of my Sculpture Courses go to:

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